
A popular meme explains “How to Jiu-Jitsu” in a three-cell comic strip, and goes something like the following:

Slap hands > Bump fists > Simulate murder

(Repeat until lungs explode)

While hilarious (and not entirely inaccurate), at the heart of my fascination with jiu-jitsu is something I didn’t expect to find while trying to avoid my simulated death. It may go without saying that I love learning to defend myself. And, as a person who doesn’t enjoy exercise for exercise’s sake, having a novel means of staying fit is another plus.

But far and away the best side-effect of repeatedly solving survival-puzzles is this: it disrupts my default programming—programming that had been unconsciously built and reinforced over my whole life. This programming was responsible for some good: a solid work ethic, high grades in school, and drive. But it was also came with debilitating impostor syndrome. Given any well-defined system or problem, I was the guy to beat. But in an open-ended situation, I was a '“fragile-perfect.” You may know these situations by their better-known name: life.

This disruption led to new modes of reflection and mindfulness. Armed with this awareness, I started making better decisions with the resources at my disposal. More interestingly, I also started to make more productive decisions with the things I couldn’t control. As my jiu-jitsu improved, the I approached my life better. Reciprocally, the introspection and reflection I practiced to evolve as a person made me sharper on the mat.

Nowadays, every foray onto the mat inevitably leads to deep conversations, novel philosophies, and radical mindsets that serve me immeasurably in my day-to-day life. I flex courage more often. I deal with uncertainty better. Water tastes better. The list goes on.

For ages, I’ve wondered: what if I could bottle this experience for others? Grounded Grit was born from that question.

What’s in a name?





1. well balanced and sensible

2. (past tense, with reference to a ship) run or go aground


Take any subculture or pursuit, and you’ll find it rife with misguiding interpretations of what it means to find a deeper purpose within it. Jiu-jitsu is no exception. Grounded Grit was created to try to find concrete, well-reasoned, and balanced takes on the positive principles that can be gleaned from training—in a word: grounded.

We also like the word because jiu-jitsu is a martial art with an emphasis on ground-fighting. If the punny dad-humor makes your eyes roll, I’d advise you to strap in; it gon’ be bumpy.




1. small loose particles of stone or sand

2. courage and resolve; strength of character


One of the precious requirements for and results of training is “grit.” I’m a flawed human being, but grit is what puts me on the path of progress. I’m a big fan of grit.

Grit isn’t about attaining perfection. It’s not about avoiding the ugly. It doesn’t mean an absence of weakness, fear, or vulnerability. It’s about tackling it all, manifesting the courage and compassion to allay judgement, working objectively, and making the choice to be incrementally better.

And “sand.” Don’t forget “sand.”

Feel like training? Sharing feedback? Trading perspectives? I’m game.